Wednesday, March 22, 2006


This is one of my past times. It is called Bobbin Lace, Old Time Lace and in Latin countries Mundillo. I learned how to make this lace while my husband and I were stationed in the Republic of Panama. Their national dress uses it in its construction. In Puerto Rico we have a town called Moca which dedicates itself to making this hand made lace.

This is the loom that is used in Puerto Rico. The project that I am working on is being done on a flat pillow that is used in England. By the way what you see holding the fine thread are very fine straight pins.
This is Rosa Elena's mundillo. Visit and marvel at my hobby. It is almost a lost art.

This is a young Panamanian girl working on her mundillo, she is using a frame made from a large can of soda crackers, the pillow is stuffed with dried banana leaves, the material that covers this pillow is gingham in small squares. This material is used as a grid for all the patterns of the mundillo. There are no paper patterns to punch out and follow.

This the national dress of Panama. It is called the POLLERA. My sons are from Panama.

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