Thursday, July 06, 2006

Michael's first job!!

Michael started his first ever paying job on the 27 of June. It is at the Zoo.

He tells us that he loves it. While at the zoo he is working in the warehouse as well as on the grounds of the zoo. He maintains the eating areas (he has noticed that WE the public are messy!) and sells sodas and ice cream dots in the kioskos.

He is very proud of his uniform and for once he gets up and dressed on time, unlike during the school year. Michael thinks the coolest part of all is the flashing of his ID pass to get in the gate of the zoo.

The Columbus Zoo seen through Michael's eyes will never be the same. He notices so many things that we do not. The animals are not just behind the fences..he has told us about the unusual ducks that fly in. The things that he has to do in the warehouse so the shops can function correctly all day. He now knows that things just don't "JUST HAPPEN". He is now one of the many people behind the scene making thing work smoothly.

We are very proud of you Michael!


Mrs. V said...

Wow, I'm impressed. Does this mean Michael can get us into the Zoo for free? ha ha ha Good luck, Michael and keep up the good work.

You should allow for anonymous comments because the 'others' don't have blogs.

titi said...

Naah! He can get himself in for free and gets 40% off on food and at the gift shop. He looves the % off on food!!!!! He can alos get in free at the water park next to the Zoo and THAT he wants to do.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Michael!!! Way to go!! Hope you have a great summer. Tio Jr.