Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bowling with Josue'

Josue' was on Easter Week break. We had the week to ourselves. That is something we don't normally have. He has wanted to return to the Bowling Alley since he was 6 years old. So off we went! He didn't want the bumpers to be used or any help from me, he said " I know how to bowl mom!" He knows all! I have a set of Encyclopedia to sell real cheap if anybody is interested!!! :-)

He was very happy each time he knocked the pins down. He said I was a pro when I rolled a strike on the first frame. What a way to impress my son! Too bad I didn't keep it going!!!!
Josue' kept checking his score, just couldn't believe he was get so many gutter balls, after all HE knew how to bowl. His first game was a 56 pretty good for the second time in a Bowling Alley.
Aah, but by the second game that ball was getting heavy! The ball just liked the gutter a little too much for Josue's liking... But as you all can see he rolled a spare and a strike in the 10th frame and pulled a 55 to my 97 not bad!
Way to go Josue' It was a GREAT 2 hours with you my youngest son.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Our Spring

Spring in Central Ohio is always interesting! This past weekend and on Monday and Tuesday we had absolutely beautiful weather. The temperature remained in the mid 70 an inched toward the 80 degree mark, with a hint of a breeze. Yesterday was another story... the cold air came in and the temperature went down....this morning Thursday...we woke up to 27 degrees and snow blowing around! The saying goes "Stick around, the weather will CHANGE any minute here in Ohio" Boy are they right...who ever "they" are.

I took these photos of the moon Tuesday evening, Michael and Josue' thought it was a sign...

These were taken before the complete temperature change took over. I hope the quick freeze won't ruin the blossoms on the flowering cherry.The wind was quite strong.
This is my favorite time of year in Westerville. Our cul-de-sac is just beautiful with all the blooming trees and flowers.