Friday, February 23, 2007

The February Snows

The temperature stayed between -2 to 17 for about 5 days....

Michael and Josue' simply love the snow!We have had about 9 inches thus far and that is enough for mom! Sledding and playing in it and "snow days" from schools have been the routine for the last week or so.

Did I mention strange hats! Yes they like wearing strange "Snowboarding" hats.

There is a face under all that!

Aaron Francis at 9 months

Aaron met his first snow flakes and wasn't too sure if he liked them! He toured the neighborhood with daddy and mommy. He also contemplated the merits of the "falling" snow flakes!

The joy of finger painting and being allowed to make a mess. Thanks mommy! I sure enjoyed making beautiful paintings for you! Abuelita hopes that you framed a couple of them for my future portfolio! They will increase in value as I grow***